Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/64

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The kingly sun, as if it was the last sweet office on earth that day, reached out a shining hand to Shasta, laid it on his head till it became a halo of gold and glory, withdrew it then and let the shadowy curtains of night come down, and it was dark almost in a moment.

The Prince unfastened his cloak from the macheers behind my saddle, and as he did so, courteously asked if I was u all right in town," and I boldly answered, " Oh yes, all right now." Then he bade me good bye, and walked rapidly up the street.

If I had only had a little nerve, the least bit of practical common-sense and knowledge of men, I should have answered, " No, sir; I am not all right, at all. I am quite alone here. I do not know a soul in this city or any means of making a living. I have nothing in the world but a half-dollar and this pony. I am tired, cold, hungry, half-clad, as you see. No, sir, since you ask me, that is the plain truth of the matter. I am not all right at all."

Had I had the sense or courage to say that, or any part of that, he would have given me half, if not all, the coins given him on the trail, and been proud and happy to do it.

I was alone in the mines and mountains of Cali fornia. But what was worse than mines and mountains, I was alone in a city. I was alone in the first city I had ever seen. I could see nothing here that I had ever seen before, but the cold far stars above me. There was nothing, no one there