Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/83

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Do not doubt or be surprised at this name of Humbug. Get your map and you will see it there fifty miles or more west of Mount Shasta, twenty miles from Greenhorn, thirty miles from Deadwood, and about the same distance from Rogue s Gulch. Hogem, Hardscrabble, and Hell-bent were adjoining, and intervening mining camps of lesser note.

I asked the Prince to go down and see about my pony when we were about to set out, but the negro had confiscated him long since -claimed to have dis posed of him for his keeping. u He s eat his cussed head off," said he, and I saw my swift patient little companion no more.

On a crisp clear morning, we set out from the city, and when we had reached the foot-hills to the west, we struck a fall of snow, with enormous hare, ears as large almost as those of Mexican mules, crossing here and there, and coyotes sitting on the ground, tame as dogs, looking down on the cabins and camp below .

We had, strapped on our saddles behind us, blan kets, picks, shovels, frying-pans, beans, bacon, and coffee, all, of course, in limited quantities.

The two mules snuffed at the snow, lifted their little feet gingerly, spun around many times like tops, and brayed a solemn prayer or two to be allowed to turn back.

Snow is a mule s aversion. Give him sand, the heat of a furnace, and only sage-brush to subsist upon, and he will go on patient and uncomp