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48o GEORGII III. Cap. 142.

the Day on which any Half-yearly Payment of an Annuity dependant upon or her Life-became due, and such Officer shall thereupon grant to the Person producing the same a Certificate in the Form specified in, the Schedule to this Act. annexed marked (G.), and upon the said Certificate being produced to and lodged with the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, they are hereby authorized and required to make such Payment to the Perfon or Persons entitled thereto.

XX. Life Annuities to be transferrable.

And be it further enacted, That the Right, Title, Interest, and Benefit in and to any Life Annuities which may be purchased under the Provisions of this Act, shall from Time to Time be transferable in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, provided such Annuities be transferred entire and not in Parts or Shares : Provided also, that the original Nominee or Nominees of any Annuity shall never be varied or changed, notwithstanding any Transfer of the Right or Interest therein, in the Books of the said Governor and Company.}}

XXI. Life Annuities to be free from Taxes, except such as dividends of Consoles and Reduced Annuities are liable to, and be deemed Personal Estate.

And be it further enacted, That all Life Annuities purchased under the Provisions of this Act shall be free from all Taxes, Charges, and Impositions whatsoever, except such as Dividends of Consolidated or Reduced Bank Annuities are Or may be subject and liable to, and shall be deemed Personal Estate; and in all Cases where the same shall not depend upon the Life of the Person entitled thereto, shall go to his or her Executor or Administrators as Personal Estate, and shall not be descendible to Heirs}}

XX. Penalty on producing false Certificates and Affidavits.

And be it further enacted, That if any Certificates or Affidavits shall be produced to the said Officer to be appointed as aforesaid, containing any false Statement of the Age of any Person to be appointed a Nominee, with Intent to obtain an Annuity on the Continuance of the Life of any Person who shall be under the Age of Thirty-five Years, or to obtain a higher Rate or Amount of Annuity during the Life of the Nominee than would by this Act be allowed according to his or her true Age, then and in every such case all such Bank Annuities as may have been transferred for the Purchase of such Annuity shall be forfeited to the said Commissioners, and all Right and Title to the Annuity which would otherwise have been payable in respect thereof shall cease and determine, and the Person or Persons by whom or on whose Behalf such Stock shall have been transferred shall forfeit to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, Treble the Value of all Sums which may have been received on account of the said Annuity, and also the further Sum of Five hundred Pounds, which Penalties reflectively shall be sued for, recovered, and applied in the Manner directed by this Act.

XXIII. Penalties on receiving Annuities after the Deaths of Nominees.

And be it further enacted, That all and every Person or Persons who for his, her, or their own Use, or the life of any other Person or Persons, shall receive One or more Payment or Payments upon any Annuity for any Time beyond the Death of any single or surviving Nominee, on the Continuance of whose Life the same was payable, after the Time on which the said Annuity ought wholly to cease by virtue of this Act (knowing such Nominee to be dead) shall forfeit to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, Treble the Value of the Money received after the Death of such Nominee, and also the further Sum of Five hundred Pounds, which Pe-