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48o GEORGII III. Cap. 142.

and reasonable and also to settle and appoint such Allowances as shall be proper for the Pains and Labour of the Cashier or Cashiers, or other Officer or Officers of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England in the execution or this Act; which, last-mentioned allowances shall, be for the Use and Benefit of the said Governor and Company and at their Disposal only.

XXXII. The Chief Baron added to the Number of Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt.

And whereas by the said recited Act of the Twenty-sixth year of His present Majesty's Reign the, speaker of the House of, Commons; the Chancellor, of His . Majesty's Exchequer; the Master of the Rolls, the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, and the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, for the Time being respectively were appointed. Commissioner's for carrying the said, Act, into, Execution; be it enacted, That in Addition to the Commissioners appointed by the said Act the Chief Baron or in his Absence, any one of the Barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in England, for the Time being respectively shall be a Commissioner for carrying into Execution; the Purposes of the said recited Acts of the Twenty-sixth, Thirty-second, and Forty-second Years of His present Majesty's Reign, and of this Act, and shall have and be invested: with such and the same, Powers and Authorities in all Respects as if the Chief Baron or Baron of, the said Court of Exchequer respectively had been appointed a Commissioner by the said Act of the Twenty-sixth Year aforesaid.}}

XXIII. Quorum of Commissioners

And be it further enacted That it sha11 be lawful for any Four of the Comissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt for the Time being, to execute and do all Matters and, Things which by, this Act the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt are required and empowered to do.}}

XXXIV. Accounts to be laid before Parliament.

And be it further enacted, That the following Accounts shall be Accounts to prepared by the said Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; and shall be annually laid before both Houses of Parliament, on or Parliament before the Twenty-fifth-Day of March Parliament shall be then sitting; and if Parliament shall not be then fitting, then within Fourteen Days after the Commencement of the then next Session of Parliament; videlicet, a Half-yearly Account of all Bank Annuities which shall have been transferred to them for the Purchase of any Life Annuities, and of the Dividends receivable by them in respect thereof, up to the Period of such Account; distinguishing therein so much of the said Bank Annuities as shall have been transferred in the Course of the next immediately preceding Half Year; also a Half-yearly Account of the Amount of all the Life Annuities granted by them up to the Period of such Account, distinguishing therein the Amount of the Life Annuities which shall have been granted in the Course of the next immediately preceding Half Year; and also of the amount of all the Annual Sums which, up to the Period of the said Account, shall, by reason of the Deaths of Nominees or otherwise, have reverted to the said Funds applicable to the Reduction of the National Debt, distinguishing therein the Amount of such Annual Sums as shall have so reverted in the Course of the next immediately preceding Half Year, together with an Account of the Amount of Life Annuities then payable; and in every such Account shall be specified the Excess in the whole Amount of all the Life Annuities then before granted, above the Amount