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48o GEORGII III. Cap 142.

Continuance of the Lives of such Two Nominees, and of the Life of the longer Liver of them, (whether the Persons or Person, or one of the Persons purchasing such Annuity, shall be the Nominees or one of the Nominees or not) for every One hundred Pounds of such Bank Annuities, and to in Proportion for any greater Sum than One hundred Pounds transferred to the said Commissioners, a Life Annuity of such annual Amount as is specified in the Tables in the Schedule to this Act annexed marked (E.)

X. Annnuities to be accepted in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England.

Provided always, and be it further enacted, That every Life Annuity so purchased as aforesaid, shall be accepted at the Bank of England by the Person or Persons purchasing the same, or by some other Person or Persons duly authorized on his, her, or their Behalf, before he, the, or they shall be entitled to receive the same.

XI. Preventing Fra(illegible text)ctions.

Provided also, and be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any Person or Persons to transfer, for the Purchase of a Life Annuity any-less Sum than One hundred Pounds, nor any fractional Part less than One Pound of such Bank Annuities: Provided also, that in every Case where the Calculation of the Amount of any Life Annuity, according to the Provisons of this Act, shall produce a Fraction less than sxpence, the fractional Part of the said Annuity less than Sixpence shall be taken from the Amount thereof, and than not be inserted in the Cetificate to be granted by the said Officer, or be payable at the Bank of England.

XII. Allowing Annuitants to make further Purchases on Lives of original Nominees, without fresh Certificates.

Provided also, and be it further enacted, That whenever any Person or Persons who than have purchased an Annuity for the Life or Lives Purchases of any Nominee or Nominees, shall be afterwards desirous of purchasing any further Annuity or Annuities on the Life or Lives of the same Nominee or Nominees, the original Certificates and Affidavits produced at the Time of the Purchase of the, first Annuity, shall be deemed sufficient to authorize the Officer to be appointed aforesaid, and he is hereby required from Time to Time to grant to the Person or Persons applying to him in this Behalf such Certificates as by this Act are directed, for the Purpose of enabling such Person or Persons to transfer any Bank Annuities for the Purchase of such further Life Annuity or Annuities, without his, her, or their being required to produce any fresh Certificates or Affidavits in regard to the Birth or Baptisim, or other Particulars aforesaid, respecting such Nominee or Nominees; and the Certificates so to be granted by the said Officer, shall be valid and effectual to enable such Person or Persons to transfer any Bank Annuities for the Purchase of such further Life Annuity or Annuities, and to entitle him, her, or them to such Certificates and Receipts from the Cashier of the Bank of England in like Manner as if the same had been granted upon the Production of the original Certificates and Affidavits.

XIII. Annuities on the Life of One Nominee not to exceed 1000l. nor for Two Nonminees 1500l.

Provided also, and be it further enacted, That the total Amount of any Annuity or Annuities to be granted upon the Continuance of the Life of any one Nominee, whether such Nominee shall have any beneficial interest therein or not, shall in no case; except as herein-after excepted) exceed. the annual Sum of One thousand Pounds, and that the total Amount of any Annuity or Annuities to be granted upon the Con-