thereof, shall be made on the Fifth Day of July and the Fifth day of January in every Year; and the First Half-yearly Payment of every such Annuity, shall be payable on such of the said Days as shall next succeed the Day of the Transfer of the said Bank Annuities; and in all Cases. where any such, Bank Annuities, whether Consolidated or Reduced, shall be transferred upon or after the Fifth Day of April and before the Fifth Day of July, or upon or after the Tenth Day of October and before the Fifth Day of January, then the Half-yearly Payments of the Annuities purchased by the Transfer thereof, shall be made on the Fifth Day of April and the Tenth Day of October in every Year; and the First Half-yearly Payment of every such Annuity, shall be payable on such of the said Days as shall next succeed the Day of the Transfer of the said Bank Annuities.; and, upon the Death of any single Nominee, or of the Survivor of any Two joint Nominees, a Sum equal to One-fourth Part of the Annuity depend: ing upon his or her Life, (over and above all Arrears thereof respectively) shall be payable to the Person or Persons entitled to the said Annuity, or to his or her Executors, Administrators, or Assfigns (as the Case may be) on the Half-yearly Day of Payment next succeeding the Death of such Nominee provided such last mentioned Payment shall be claimed within Two Years after the Death of such, single or surviving Nominee, but not otherwise.
XVI. Preventing Frauds in the Receipt of the Annuities by Production of Certificates of Life of Nominees
And, for preventing Frauds in the Receipt of Life Annuities, be it further enacted, That before any Half-yearly Payment of an Annuity shall be receivable at the Bank of England as herein is directed, a Certificate shall be produced to the Officer to be appointed as aforesaid, under the Hand of, the Minister, or in his Absence, then a Certificate; wherein such Absence shall be specified; under the Hands of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Parish or Place wherein the Nominee on whose Life the Annuity shall, then depend, is resident, or of any Two of them, or a Certificate under the Hand of some Justice of the Peace or Magistrate of the County, Riding, City, or Town wherein such Parish or Place shall be situate, that such Nominee was living upon a Day to be specified in such Certificate (which Day must be one of the Days on which a Half yearly Payment of such Annuity shall have become due, or some Day subsequent thereto,): Provided, always, that in case any Nominee shall at any Time after his or her Nomination become resident in Parts beyond the Seas in any of the Dominions of His Majesty, then a Certificate shall be produced to the said Officer, under the Hand of the Governor or Person acting as Governor of the Settlement where such Nominee shall be resident, that he or the was living on a Day to be specified in such Certificate (which Day must be one of the Days on which a Half-yearly Payment of such Annuity shall have become due, or on some Day subsequent thereto; and in case any Nominee shall after his or her Nomination become resident in any Kingdom or State in Europe, in Amity with His Majesty, then a Certificate shall in like Manner be produced under the Hand of the British Minister or Consul resident in the Kingdom or State where such Nominee shall be living; and in case any Nominee shall so become resident at any other Place beyond the Seas, or in case no British Governor, or Person acting as such, or Minister or Consul respectively shall be resident at the Settlement, or in the Kingdom or state wherein any such Nominee shall be living, then a Certificate shall in like Manner be produced of his or her Life under the Hand and Seal of the Chief