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Page:Life Movements in Plants.djvu/162

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on the nerve, so that the muscle, in response to the transmitted excitation, exhibited an incomplete tetanus T. The homodromous current was next applied, with the result of inducing a complete block of conduction, with the concomitant disappearance of tetanus. The homodromous current was gradually reduced to zero by the appropriate movement of the potentiometer slide. The after-effect of homodromous current is now seen in the transient enhancement of transmitted excitation, which lasted for nearly 40 seconds. After this the normal conductivity was restored. Repetition of the experiment gave similar results (Fig. 51).

The results that have been given are only typical of a very large number, which invariably supported the characteristic phenomena that have been described.

It will thus be seen that with feeble or moderate current, conductivity is enhanced against the direction of the current and depressed or blocked with the direction of the current. Under strong current the normal effect is liable to undergo a reversal.

It has thus been shown that a perfect parallelism exists in the conductivity variation induced in the plant and in the animal by the directive action of the current. No explanation could be regarded as satisfactory which is not applicable to both cases. Now with the plant we are able to arrange the experimental condition in such a way that the factor of variation of excitability is completely eliminated. The various effects described about the plant-tissue are, therefore, due entirely to variation of conductivity. The parallel phenomena observed in the case of transmission of excitation in the animal nerve must, therefore, be due to the induced change of conductivity.

The action of an electrical current in inducing variation of conductivity may be enunciated under the following