Page:Life Movements in Plants.djvu/224

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Tho latent period for enhancement of growth depends on the distanci: of glowing region from the root., The latent period is reduced when the plant is irrigated with warm water.

Artificial increase of internal hydrostatic pressure, up to

a critical degree, enhances the rate of growth.


'\ diminution or negative variation of tnrgor depresses the rate of growth.

Theme is a strict correspondence between the responsive mow-moat of the leaf of Mimosa, and the movement due to growth. An incrcasv, or positive variation of turgor induces an erection of positive reaponseot the leaf of Mimosa, and a positive variation or enhancement of the rato of growth. A diminution or negative variation of turgor induces a fall or negative response of the leaf of xllilnosu, and a negative variation or retardation of the rate of growth.

External tension within limits, enhances the rate of growth.