Page:Life Movements in Plants.djvu/283

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The Institute was furmally opened o t 30t Sovember 1917

The ojets f the Institute are, aveent f knowl rugh its workers, ad t wst possi ivic a pulie diffusio of it

The Istitute dos ot undtk truetion on elmntary sjets, taught n colluges aflilinte to the l'niversity, t arry dvnc r Neareh For, diffusion of knowl aNeries f leetures ar given n Winter Spring ters, wnich are open to t e of the l'iversity a th pulic conecte acon of avances mad n Neine hy work rrie ont in the Institut, and a for the tirst e lhe lisovres ade us crag an telletual atmosplr for sintiti alv The m wi t erfeet osti propertie-, ig for sit fidmonstrat ats of ftn Thes uro w.l give popular ad h

Sir J. C. swl ersally train a sleted of lars wot harter anwrk av swn a atie, a w wonld dvt teir wo lfe to t pursuit of researe. T r of such lar- must uec yb limite a for tpr n Hot xee tn clars alrely sleted depend on t ereas of t staff for nstretin

The sose ntitute has heen rgistere nder At XXI of Ix6i i Ju 1918 Fither xtension wold A Dd of Trst favur of tlo Bn Institutu regarling th la, ildings ad ent vale at tre la of rupe and Government P'romisory Nots of t val f oe lac, has be exrentand registered by Sir . C. Bse.

TRt STEES OF TIE INSTITUTK. Hon'ble Sir S. P. Siuha Sir Rabindra Nath Tagor Bhupendra Nath iasu. S. M. Bose.