The Province of Victoria is bounded on the North and North-East by a line drawn from Cape Howe to the nearest sources of the Murray, and thence by that river;—on the West by the eastern boundary of South Australia, or the 141 degree of East Longitude, from the Murray to the Sea;—and on the South by the coast to Cape Howe, including the islands. Its area is 98,000 square miles, or 62,720,000 acres. Its Ports are Melbourne (the capital), Geelong, Portland, Port Fairy, and Port Albert.
Since the "Adventures of William Buckley" were prepared for the press, another wonderful change has passed over the land of his wanderings,—one so vast in its provincial and national importance, as to claim an especial notice in this Appendix.
Little did Buckley think when, as he was supposed to be, a living-dead-man, amongst the Aborigines of the Australian Wilds, that he was treading over fields of gold,—that his earthy bed and stoney pillow contained millions of the precious metal, so fondly loved, so assiduously courted, and so eagerly sought after, by all