Page:Life and Teachings of Sri Ramanujacharya.djvu/171

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He then sent for Govinda and, in all formality, made a gift of him to the Master, saying : “ Govinda, this day I have given you to Ramanuja to serve him as faithfully as you have done me. See that you deserve his friendship and grace.” Ramanuja joyfully accepted the gift, and, rendering thanks to his Master, took Govinda with him and left for Kanchi.

He visited the sacred shrines on the way and offered his worship to the Lord therein ; in course of time, he reached Kanchl and stayed for some time with Kanchi Purna.

A Deserter.

Meanwhile, he came to notice that Govinda pined after Saila Purna and was wasting away. So he called him to his side and said affectionately: “ Govinda, I think it would do your heart good to pay a visit to Sri Saila Purna,” Govinda was ashamed to think that RAmAnuja had discovered his weakness and shyly said : Even so, my Lord, but I dared not ask it.”

He flew back on the wings of speed and presented himself before the gates of Saila Purna. His uncle was informed of this and sent back this reply: "What does the madman here ? Tell him I do not know him. ” Here his wife interfered and said: “ He has come far and is tired and footsore. It would not be amiss if you allow him to see you and give him a meal. It will so gladden his heart.”

“ Wife,” exclaimed Saila PArna in angry tones, “ You know not. Shall I go back upon my gift and encourage deserters ? No one is bound to feed cattle that have been sold to others. Send the idiot about his business and that quickly.”

Govinda heard this in blank despair, and returned to RAmAnuja a sadder and a wiser man. Our Teacher praised the uprightness and purity of intention of Saila Purna ; and, keeping GAvinda ever with him, very soon won his love