Page:Life and adventures of David Haggart.pdf/6

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apprehended for this act, tried, found guilty, and seut back to prison, to be brought up for sentence of death at the end of the assizes. They broke the prison that night, but Haggart only escaped; ho travelled back to Newcastle in company with a Yorkshireman, and remained thero a day, during which time ho was occupied in obtaining a fiddlestick for Barney. This being got, they were returning to Durham, when they were pursued by two constables, and just as one was apprehending Haggart, he laid him low with his pistol; the Yorkshireman knocked down the other, and both got clear away. They got safe to Durham, and in tho night-time Haggart got over the back wall of the Jail by means of a rope-ladder, and succeeded in giving Barney the fiddlestick. He made his escape that same night, by cutting the iron bars of his cell window, and came off together to Newcastle.

They next went to Coldstream fair, and Barney being found attempting a farmer's pocket, got three months in Jedburgh jail. Haggart went to Newcastle again, and to the same lodgings, where he was treated like a son; little did the people know to whom they were so kind. He did numerous tricks here, and then proceeded to Edinburgh, where he carried on the same line but did not live in his father's house. In September he started for Perth, with ono Henry, and had some adventures. They returned to Leith, and were taken by the police for some crimes; got bail, and were liberated.

Haggart had a number of adventures in Edinburgh and neighbourhood, and was put four months in Bridewell. After being released, he met with some of his companions, and took a trip through the North: he was in Aberdeen jail for some time,