tree whereto I was bound, which filled me with dreadful agonies, eoneluding I was going to be made a saerifiee to their barbarity.
The fire being thus made, they for some time daneed round me after their manner, with various odd motions and antic gestures, whooping, halloeing, and erying in a frightful manner, as it is their eustom. Having satisfied themselves in this sort of their mirth, they proceeded in a more tragical manner, taking the burning ⟨coals⟩ and stieks, flaming with fire at the ends, holding them near my faee, head, hands, and feet, with a deal of monstrous pleasure and satisfaetion, and at she same time threatening to burn me entirely if I made the least noise or motion of my body. Thus tortured, as I was, almost to death, suffered their brutal pleasure without being allowed to vent my inexpressible anguish ⟨otherwise⟩ than by shedding tears; even which, when ⟨these⟩ inhuman tormentors observed, with a ⟨shocking⟩ pleasure and alacrity, they would take fresh eoal and apply near my eyes, telling me my faee ⟨was⟩ wet, and that they would dry it for me. How ⟨I⟩ suffered these tortures, I have here faintly described, has been matter of wonder to me ⟨many⟩ times; but God enabled me to wait with ⟨more⟩ than common patience for a deliverance I ⟨daily⟩ prayed for.
Having at length satisfied their brutal ⟨pleasure⟩