Page:Life and death of Jane Shore.pdf/24

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Teen said, Sir Thomas, whom I trust,
to be my love's defence;
Be careful of my gallant rose,
when I am parted hence.
And here withal he fetch'd a sigh,
as tho' his heart would break,
And Rosamond, for very grief,
not one plain word could speak,
And at their parting well they might,
in heart be grieved sore,
After that day Fair Rosamond,
the king did see no more.
But nothing could this furious queen,
therewith appeased be,
The cup of deadly poison strong,
which she held on her knee.
She gave this comely dame to drink,
who took it from her hand,
And from her bended knees arose,
and on her feet did stand.
When casting up her eyes to heav'n,
she did for mercy call,
And drinking up the poison strong,
she lost her life with all.
Her bedy then they did entomb,
when life was fled away,
At Woodstock, near to Oxford town
as may be seen this day.


(illegible text)