Page:Life and death of fair Rosamond (3).pdf/2

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The Life and death of Fair ROSAMOND.

WHen as King Henry rul’d this land,
the ſecond of that name;
Beſides the queen, he loved dear,
a fair and comely dame.

Moſt peerleſs was her beauty found,
her favour and her face;
A ſweeter creature in the world,
could never prince embrace.

Her criſped locks, like threads of gold,
appear’d to each man’s ſight.
Her comely eyes like orient pearl,
did caſt a heavenly light.

The blood within her chryſtal cheeks,
did ſuch a colour drive,
As tho’ the lily and the roſe
for maſterſhip did ſtrive.

Fair Roſamond, Fair Roſamond,
her name was called ſo,
To whom dame Eleanor our Queen,
was known a deadly foe.

The king therefore for her defence,
againſt the furious queen,
At Woodſtock builded ſuch a bower,
the like was never ſeen.