Page:Life and death of fair Rosamond (3).pdf/7

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And forth ſhe calls the truſty knight,
who kept this curious bower
And with a clue of twiſted thread,
came from this famous flower.

But when that they had wounded him,
the queen his thread did get,
And went where lady Roſamond,
was like an angel ſet.

But when the queen with ſtedfaſt eyes,
beheld this lovely face,
She was amazed in her mind,
at ſuch exceeding grace.

Caſt off ſaid ſhe, theſe fine wrought robes,
that rich and coſtly be
And drink you up this deadly draught,
which I have brought to thee.

But preſently upon her knees,
fair Roſamond did fall,
and pardon of the queen ſhe cray’d,
for her offences all.

Take pity on my youthful years,
fair Roſamond did cry
And let me not with poiſon ſtrong,
be forced for to die.

I will renounce my ſinful life,
and in ſome cloiſter hide,
Or elſe be baniſh’d if you pleaſe,
to range the world ſo wide.