Page:Life and exploits of Rob Roy MacGregor.pdf/17

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was given up, for which Rob Roy granted a receipt.

But from the infamous treatment his family had received from Killearn, Rob Roy was resolved to punish him, and had him immediately covered to an island near the east end of Loch Ketturin, now rendered famous as the supposed residence of Fair Ellen, the Lady of the Lake.

In this island Killearn was confined for a considerable time; and, when set at liberty, received from Rob a prudent admonition as to his future conduct.

Rob Roy was always the friend and protector of the weak and oppressed. The disorders which prevailed in the nation, during the reign of Charles II. became still more dreadful on the accession of his brother James, whose bigotry permitted the most odious crimes, and authorised such cruelty as the mind shudders to contemplate. At these scenes of horror Rob had often been present, whose soul burned with indignation at their wickedness, regretting that he was not vigorous enough to crush the bands of inhuman wretches who executed the bloody commands of the king. After he had been expelled from his estate, lie went to Carlisle, to re-