Page:Life and exploits of Rob Roy MacGregor.pdf/22

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Graham of Killearn was factor on the estate of Montrose, and second cousin to that nobleman. Being in the constant practice of distressing those tenants who were in arrear, he was despised in the country. He had once sequestrated the goods and cattle of a poor widow for arrears of rent; when Rob heard of the cruelty, he went to her, and gave her the 300 merks she owed, at same time desiring her, when she paid it, to get a receipt. On the legal day, the officers appeared at the widow's house to take away her effects. She paid their demand; but Rob met them; made them surrender the money they had extorted; gave them a good drubbing, and an advice never again to act in the same manner.

Sometimes the rich procured a mortgage bond upon the property of his needy neighbour; and this was generally turned into an authority to seize their lands by force. Glengyle was under a bond of this kind, when Rob Roy's nephew succeeded to it. Rob, knowing what advantage would be taken of the contract, gave his nephew the money. for the purpose of retrieving the bond. The period of redemption had only a few months to run; and, under pretence