Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/195

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imitate the red squirrel. Where will he go who refuses to be as wise as a red squirrel? Eternal misery will be the portion of all who neglect to seek and pray to God. Thomas Biggs, (a lad about 14 years old) said, "Brothers and sisters pray for me, for I do not know how to speak, seeing I am but a child, and feel as if I had just this day noon found the Lord. Formerly about this time of the year, our fathers used to meet for the purpose of drinking the fire-water, and we were in danger of being plunged into hell-fire; but now Jesus has had mercy upon us, and snatched us from that awful place. The love of God will now carry us safely to heaven, where we will be happy forever and ever, and feast with the good people in our Father's house. Brothers and sisters have you this hope in your hearts? I will always trust in Jesus Christ as long as I live. This is all I have to say."[1]

Sunday 7th. — Prayer meetings early in the morning. At 9 o'clock addresses were delivered, first by Chief Sawyer; second by John Sunday, who said, "My brothers and sisters, I have been one of the most miserable creatures on earth. I lived and wandered amongst the white people on the Bay of Quinte, and contracted all their vices, and soon became very wicked. At one time I had a beloved child who was very ill. I tried to save the child from dying, but could not, as the child died in defiance of all that I could do for him. I was then more fully convinced that there must be some Being greater than man, and that the Great Being does all things according to his own will. When I heard the missionaries preach Jesus Christ, and what we ought to do to be saved, I believed their word, and I began at once to do as they advised, and soon found peace to my soul. Brothers and sisters, I will

  1. This promising young Indian died soon after in the full triumphs of faith. I never saw so much natural talent and eloquence as I did in this lad, and I felt truly sorry when I heard of his death.