they sent for the said Robert; who being used to take blood, he got some blood off him, but all in vain, he died that night. The said Robert, an old man, told me this passage when in prison together.
In the year 1682, while marrying two pair of folks, he said to the one, "Stand by, I will not marry you this day." The bridegroom was anxious to know the reason: after enquiring privately, he said, "You will thank me for this afterwards, and think yourself well quat of her, for she is with child to another wife's husband: which was a matter of fact, as time afterwards discovered.
Shortly after that sad stroke at Bothwell, he went to Ireland, but did not stay long at that time. In his travels through Galloway he came to a house, and looking in the good-man's face, he said, "They call you an honest man, but if you be so you do not look like it, you will not long keep that name, but will discover yourself to be what you are." And shortly after he was made to flee for sheep stealing. In that short time he was in Ireland, the Governor required of all Presbyterian ministers that were in Ireland, that they should give it under their hand, that they had no accession to the late rebellion at Bothwell-bridge, in Scotland, and that they did not approve of it; which the most part did; and sent Mr. Thomas Gowans, a Scotsman, and