There were three lads murdered at Wigton, and at the same time he was praying at Craigmyne, many miles distant; he cried out, "There is a bloody sacrifice put up this day at Wigton." These were the lads of Kirkeily; and those who lived near knew not of it till it was past. I had this account from William M'Dougal, an old man in Ferrytown, near Wigton, worthy of credit, who was present.
After this, in Auchengrooch-muirs, in Nithsdale, Captain John Mathison and others being with him, they were alarmed that the enemies were coming fast upon them; they desined to put him in some hole, and cover him with heather, he not being able to run hard by reason of his age; he desired them to forbear a little until he prayed, then he said, "Lord, we are ever needing at thy hand; and if we had not thy command to call on thee in the day of trouble, and thy promise of answering us in the day of our distress, we wot not what would become of us: If thou hast any more work for us in the world, allow us the lap of thy cloak this day again; and if this be the day of our going off the stage, let us win honestly off, and comfortably through, and our souls will sing forth thy praises through eternity, for what thou hast done to us and for us." When ended, he ran alone a little, and came quickly back, saying, "Lads,