Upon the Martyrs Monument in the Grayfriars Church-yard in Edinburgh.
Alſo the following Lines.
HALT, paſſengers, take heed what you do ſee,
This Tomb doth ſhew for what ſome men did die;
Here lies interr'd the duſt of thoſe who ſtood
'Gainſt perjury, reſiſting unto blood;
Adhering to the Covenants and Laws,
Eſtabliſhing the ſame; which was the cauſe
Their lives were ſacrific'd unto the luſt
Of Prelatiſts abjur'd. Though here their duſt
Lies mix'd with murderers, and other crew,
Whom juſtice juſtly did to death purſue;
But as for theſe, no cauſe in them was found
Worthy of death, but only they were found,
Conſtant and ſtedfaſt. zealous, witneſſing
For the prerogatives of Christ their King.
Which Truths were ſeal'd by famous Guthrie's head,
And al along to Mr Renwick's blood.
They did endure the wrath of enemies,
Reproaches, torments, deaths and injuries;
But yet thev're theſe who from ſuch trouble came,
And now triumph in Glory with the Lamb.
From May 27th 1661, ⟨that⟩ the noble Marquis of Argyle ſuffered, to Feb 27. 1688, that Mr James Renwick ſuffered, 100 Noblemen, Gentlemen, Miniſters and others, were executed at Edinburgh, noble Martyr for Jesus Christ. The moſt part of them lie here It is alſo ſaid, that 28,000 ſuffered in the late perſecution in Scotland.