Page:Life and prophecies of Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/46

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he hath, notwithstanding of all this, gone on more avowedly in these sins, than all that went before him.

2dly For his great perjury, after he had twice, at least, solemnly subscribed that Covenant, did so presumptuously renounce, disown, and command it to be burned by the hand of the hangman.

3dly, Because he has rescinded all laws for establishing of that religion and reformation engaged to in that Covenant, and enacted laws for establishing its contrary; and is still working for the introducing of Popery into thir lands.

4thly, For commanding of armies to destroy the Lord's people who were standing in their own just defence, and for their privileges and rights, against tyrannies, oppressions, and injuries of men; and for the blood he hath shed in fields, on scaffolds, and on the seas, of the people of God, upon account of religion and righteousness, (they being most willing in all other things, to render him obedience, if he had reigned and ruled them according to his Covenant and Oath), more than all the kings that have been before him in Scotland.

5thly, That he hath been still an enemy to, and a persecutor of true Protestants, and a favourer and helper of the Papists, both at home and abroad; and hath hindered, to the utmost of his power, the due execution of just laws against them.

6thly, For his relaxing of the kingdom, by his frequent grant of remissions and pardons for murderers, (which is in the power of no king to go, being expressly contrary to the law of God) which was the ready way to embolden men in committing of murders, to the defiling of the land with blood.

Lastly, To pass by all other things his great and dreadful uncleanness of adultery and incest, his drunkenness, his dissembling with God and man; and performing his promises where his engagements were sinful, &c.

Next. By the same authority, and in the same name, I excommunicate, cast out of the true Church, and deliver up to Satan James Duke of York, &c and that for his idolatry, (for I shall not speak of any other sins butwhat