Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/13

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of Mr. Donald Cargill.

his great share of the tyranny of that time, and other honest leading men in the shire of Fife, for Henderson to come to Edinburgh, and make all search for Mr. Cargill, to call him over to Fife to preach at the hill of Baith: accordingly he found him in the West Bow, in a chamber that the foresaid Robert Stark had taken for his children at School; two of them are yet alive in Edinburgh, worthy of credit, who will assert the truth of this. Mr. Cargill was very willing to answer the call: some present observed that Henderson was either drunk or confused, which made them jealous of treachery. Henderson proposed, that he would go before, and have a boat ready at the the Ferry against they came: and, that he might know them, desired to see Mr Cargill's clothes. And Mr. Skeen and Mr. Boig being in the room with him, in the meantime he had Middleton's Soldiers lying in disguise for him at Mutton-hole, three miles from Edinburgh, the highway to the Ferry: there was an Ale-house upon the south side, and a park-dyke upon the north side, and no eviting them. Mr. Skeen, Archibald Stewart, and Mrs Moor, and Marion Harvie took the way upon foot, Mr. Cargill, and Mr. Boig being to follow upon horses. When they came to the place, the Soldiers griped them; in the confusion Mrs Moor escaped and went quickly back, and stopt Mr. Cargill, and Mr Boig, who fled back to Edinburgh again, the prisoners were brought also to Edinburgh, Mr. Skeen, and Archibald Stewart were executed at the Cross of Edinburgh, Dec, 1. 1680. and Marion Harvie, with Isabel Allison, were executed in the Grass-market, January 26. 1681. However, Henderson got the price of blood, and bought or built a passage-boat, which he called Katherine; but many feared to cross the water in her Henderson after this turned miserable and contemptible in the eyes of all well thinking men, and, some affirm, he died cursing, after he got that reward for treachery and the price of blood.