Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/17

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of Mr. Donald Cargill.

Ahab and Elijah, and Ahab's outward humiliation, where he had many sententious notes: and preached upon that text, Amos iv. 12 "Therefore this will I do unto thee, O Israel! and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel!" He insisted upon the foregoing judgments that had proven effectual, and few had returned unto him; but this was a nameless judgment, or a non-such stroke. He went to Darngavell, in Cambusnethen parish, upon the side of the muir: He sent for them to-morrow; when they came, they had a long reasoning in the barn; the sum and substance of it is to be found in that letter he sent to the women in the Correction house, which is published in the Cloud of Witnesses. Two things they required of him, before they could join, and own him as their minister. 1. That he would confess publicly his sin in leaving of the land. 2. That he would engage to preach to none but them, and those that joined with them. He answered, That he did not see that to be sin in leaving the land in such a time, and so short a time, in his circumstances; and he hoped that he had been useful to not a few where he had been; and to preach to none but them, was a dreadful restriction to his ministry; for his commission was far more extensive, to go and preach, and baptize all nations, and to preach the gospel to every creature; and if his trumpet would sound to the ends of the earth, he would preach Christ to all. Gibb and Jamie carried pistols upon them, and threatened all that came to seek their wives or others from them; which frighted some There was a bed made for him and John Gibb: He lay down a little, but rose in haste, and went to the muir all night, I well remember, it was a cold easterly wet fog. Many waiting on to have his thoughts about them, he refused upon the Sabbath evening to give his thoughts, until he spake with them. They found him in the morning wet and cold, and very melancholy, warning rest all night, and great grief upon

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