Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/19

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of Mr. Donald Cargill.

four men were put in the Canongate tolbooth, and the twenty-six women in the Correction-house, and some of them scourged; and, as their friends loved and had money, they were set free. The greater part of them came to their right mind, after they had tasted of the bitter fruits of these demented delusions, with whom I have had edifying conversation since.

The duke of York being at Edinburgh, he and all other enemies rejoiced at all these strange things, and gave large money to these four men, for which they wrote a most blasphemous paper to York, copies of which are yet in the hands of some. In a little time they were all liberate. These four men, with Isabel Bonn, and another woman, whose name I have, forgot, went west to the Frost Moss, betwixt Airth and Stirling, where they burnt the Holy Bible,as they had exclaimed against the Psalms in metre, and contents of the Bible as human inventions: every one of them had somewhat to say, when they threw their Bibles in the fire John Gibb said, He did that out of despite against God. The night before that horrid action of burning the Bible, Walter Kerr and John Young prayed all night in that moss, and a light shining about them. Shortly after this Walter Kerr turned mad, and was for some time bound in Toriphichen, where he was born. He came to his right mind again, and went to Clyde, a mile beneath Lanark, to the house of Robert and Elizabeth Bruce, two old solid, serious Christians, both my acquaintances, who got a hearty smack of the sweetness of the gospel, in that good day at the Kirk of Shots, where he served two years, and deeply mourned both night and day for what he had done: and wrote 38 steps thereof. He sometimes said, "If there were a Christian Magistrate in the land, he would go to them and confess all, and seek of them to execute justice upon him for burning the Bible." He told his master and mistress, that he would be taken and baptised, which accordingly came to pass, in the year