Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/26

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The Life and Prophesies

to spare to the poor; the victual lay spoiling in his house and yard, waiting for a greater price; and two honest servant-lasses, whose names were Nisbet, being cast out of service, (for every one could not have it; many said, they got too, much wages that got meat for work) these two lasses would not steal, and they were ashamed to beg; they crept in unto an empty house, and sat there wanting meat till their sight was almost gone; and then they went about a mile of way to that farmer's yard, and cut four stocks of kail to save their lives: He found them, and drave them before him to the Laird of Bawd, who was a justice of peace, that he might get them punished. The Laird enquired what moved them to go by so many yards, and go to his? They said these in their way were in straits themselves, and he could best spare them. The Laird said, Poor conscionable things, go your way, I have nothing to say to you. One of them got service and the other died in want; it was her burial I mentioned before, who was buried by us four. But, lo! in a very few years, he and his were begging from door to door, whom I have served at my door, and to whom I said, "Who should have pity and sympathy with you, who kept your victual spoiling, waiting for a greater price, and would spare nothing of your fulness to the poor, and was so cruel to the two starving lassies, that you took prisoners for four stocks of kail to save their lives, ye may read your sin in your judgement, if ye be not blind in the eyes of your soul, as ye are of one in your body, and may be a warning to all that come after you." Many yet alive in that countryside, can witness the truth of all these strange things.

By these forgoing relations all may see, that these two servants of Christ, Mr Cargill and Mr Peden were clear-sighted in what they did foresee and tell, which sadly and exactly came to pass about 13 years after blest Cargill's bloody death: And in seeing and foretelling such strange things they were not there