Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Donald Cargill.pdf/35

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of Mr. Donald Cargill.

Malloch had in his packsheet: and if Malloch or any other that trade in such wares, be not great losers, I am far mistaken

In that short time that blest Cargill had to run, he ran fast on foot, having lost several horses in his remarkable escapes Wherever he was called, in several times, and different places of the land, when he sat down for rest, being old and weary, he took a look of the many gentlemen's buildings, and said, Your lords, lairds, and gentlemen are making brave houses, and large parks: they may build at leisure, it will not be long many of them will possess their houses, which have been nests of wickedness and uncleanness: They have dipt their hands in the persecution and deep compliance, but few of them have had a (illegible text)ur of land to spare for the interest of Christ, and I will go a worse gate, and their inheritance will omit out their names. The accomplishment of this saying cannot pass the observation of any who see with half an eye, being so universal: And their own sad experience can testify, that since that time, being now forty-nine years since his death, more estates of hundred of years standing, have changed masters, than did for a hundred years before, almost in all corners of the land, Besides these lamentable holding reasons that he gave, several other reasons and ocurrences have fallen out since, to bring it to pass, such as, he always bear the name of the poor proud Scots, through the world; and, as our poverty increaseth, to our pride, vanity, prodigality, and ambition grow of airy fool stiles and titles. We were all once fairly linked in our solemn national covenants, all noblemen, gentlemen, barons, burgesses, ministers, and commons of all ranks: But since these covenants were broken, burnt, and cast by, as almanacks out of date, we are all gone out of rank and file; the honour due to the superior is given to the inferior, our goodman, and goodwife, is turned to Sir and Mistress, and our Sir and Mistress to your honour and Madam: Since