Page:Life and surprising adventures of Frederick Baron Trenck.pdf/18

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with the following strange relation of the manner of his death?"

It was not in Trenck's power to prevent me inheriting his father's fortune, which was entailed on me; wishing, however; to give me marks of his hatred after his death, he made a will full of absurd and contradictory clauses, which served the will holders of his fortune, as a pretext to strip me of it.

Though Trenck was an athiest, nobody had more ardent desire then he to acquire an extraordinary reputation; he therefore resolved to put an end to his existence: and to make himself pass for a saint at his death.

For this purpose, three days before his death when he was in the best of health possible, he requested the commandant to send to Vienna for Confessor; St. Francis having, as he said, declared to him that he would die on his birth-day at noon precisely. Though every body laughed at his prediction, the Capuchin Friar was sent for.

The day after Trenck had confessed himself, he exclaimed, "God be praised! my end approaches my Confessor is just dead, and has appeared to me." Upon inquiry it was found that the mon(illegible text) was really dead. Trenck then begged all the officers of the garrison to come to his prison; too the tonsure, dressed himself is the habit of a Capuchin Friar, made a public confession, and preached an hour, exhorting his audience to think of their salvation He then took leave of them, knelt down to say his prayers, fell into a sound sleep, rose, and prayed again. Oct. the 4th he looked at his watch, at eleven o'clock in the morning and cried out, "God be praised my last hour is not far off. Every body present was much entertained at seeing a man of his character play (illegible text)ridiculous