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wheel of his wrath and justice over them altogether."

Some time after the beginning of the year 1680, he retired toward the Frith of Forth, where he continued until that seuffle at Queensferry, where worthy Haugh-head was killed, and he sorely wounded. But eseaping, a eertain woman found him in a private place, to the south of the town, and tying up his wounds with her head-eloths, eonducted him to the house of one Robert Runtens, in Carlowrie, where a surgeon dressed his wounds and Mrs Puntens gave him some warm milk, and he lay in their barn all night. From thence he went to the south, and next Sabbath preached at Cairnhill, somewhere adjacent to Loudon, in his blood and wounds; for no danger could stop him from going about doing good. His text was in Heb. xi. 32. And what shall I more say, for time would fail me to tell of Gideon, &e. At night, some persons said to him, We think, Sir, preaching and praying go best with you when your danger and distress are greatest. He said, it had been so, and he hoped it would be so, the more that enemies and others did thurst at him that he might fall, the more sensibly the Lord had helped him; and then (as it had been to himself) he repeated these words, The Lord is my strength and song, and has become my salvation, in the 118th Psalm, which was the psalm he sung upon the scaffold.

After this, he and Mr Richard Cameron met and preaehed together in Dermeid-muir, and other plaees, until that Mr Cameron was slain at Airs-moss, and then he went north, where, in