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Kirk gave it out to be at Home Common. He being in the house of John Liddel, near Tinto, went out to spend the Sabbath morning by himself; and seeing the people all passing by, he inquired the reason; which being told, he rose and followed them five miles. The morning being warm, (about the 1st of June,) and the heights steep, he was very much fatigued before he got to the plaee, where a man gave him a drink of water out of his bonnet, and another between sermons; this being the best entertainment he got that day, for he had tasted nothing in the morning. Here he leetured on the 6th of Isaiah, and preached on these words, "Be not high minded, but fear, &e." From thence he went to Fyfe, and baptised many children, and preached one day at Daven eommon, and then returned to the Benry-bridge in Cambusnethan, where he reeeived a call from the hands of two men, to come back to Galloway, but got it not answered.

Mr Cargill in that short time, had run very fast towards his end, which now hastens apaee. Having left the Benry-bridge, he preaehed one day at Auchingilloch, and then came to preach his last sermon on Dunsyre common, between Clydesdale and Lothian, upon the text Is. xxvi. 20. “ Come my people and enter into your chambers, &c."

Some time that night, through the persuasion of Mr Smith and Mr Boig, he went with the Lady of St. John's Kirk, as far as Covington mill, to the house of one Andrew Fisher. In the mean time, James Irvine of Bonshaw, having got a general commission, marehed with a