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the third of Ezekiel, already mentioned, by which he was more confirmed, that he had God's call to this parish. This parish had been long vacant, by reason that two ministers of the Resolution-party, viz. Messrs Young and Blair, and still opposed the settlement of such godly men as had been called by the people. But in reference to Mr Cargill's call, they were in God's providence, much bound up from their wonted opposition. Here Mr Cargill, perceiving the lightness and unconcerned behaviour of the people under the word, was much discouraged thereat, so that he resolved to return home, and not accept the call which, when he was urged by some godly minnisters not to do, and his reason asked, he answered they are a rebellious people. The ministers solicited him to stay, but in vain. But when the horse was drawn, and he just going to begin his journey, being in the house of Mr Durham, when he had saluted several of his Christian friends that came to see him take horse as he was taking farewell of a certain godly woman, she said to him, "Sir, you have promised to preach on Thursday, and have you appointed a meal for poor starving people, and will you go away and not give it? if you do, the curse of God will go with you." This so moved him that he durst not go away as he intended; but sitting down, desired her and others to pray for him. So he remained and was settled in that parish, where he continued to exercise his ministry with great success, to the unspeakable satisfaction both of his own parish, and all the godly that heard and knew him, until that, by the