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upon the people, by apprehending and imprisoning several of them.

Another of his remarkable escapes was at a mareh made for him in the city, where they came to his chamber, and found him not, being providentially in another house, that night.-But what is most remarkable, being one day preaehing privately in the house of one Mr Callander, they camc and beset the house; the people put him and another into a window, closing the window up with books. The search was so strict, that they searched the very ceiling of the house, until one of them fell through the lower loft.-Had they removed but one of the books, they would certainly have found him. But the Lord so ordered that they did it not; for as one of the soldiers was about to take up one of them, the maid cried to the commander, that he was going to take her master's books, and he was ordered to let them be. Thus narrowly he escaped this danger.

Thus he continued until the 23d of November 1667, that the Council, upon information of a breach of his confinement, cited him to appear

before them on the 11th of January thereafter. But when he was apprehended, and compeared before the Council and strictly examined, wherein he was most singularly strengthened to bcar faithful testimony to his Master's honour, and his persecuted cause and truths; yet by the interposition of some persons of quality, his own friends, and his wife's relations, he was dismissed, and presently returned to Glasgow, and there performed all the ministerial duties.