Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/590

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even our God, be worshipped by the millions now bound in Satan's chains.

At the season of the Charak-pujah, Kali-ghat is a scene of more than ordinary interest. By sunrise the multitudes from every quarter of the native city pour forth like bees from their hives, and uniting in the suburb of Bhowanipur, stream towards the temple. The mass, arrayed in holiday robes, attend as spectators; others, with garlands of flowers about their necks, or with their bodies besmeared with ashes, are seen to be devotees. Of these, some carry iron rods; others, twisted cords or bamboo-canes; while others attend with the clangour of cymbals, tomtoms, and horns, or bear flags, banners, and images of the gods. When they reach the temple-gate, they cast down their offerings and press within the court and to the temple itself, to catch a sight of the great goddess and utter their praises in her ears. The courtyard is now crowded, and the devotees come forward to fulfil their vows. Several blacksmiths stand ready with sharp instruments. A man advances and presents to him his side. It is pierced, and the cane or rod which he has brought with him is thrust through the cut. Another has his arm thus pierced; another, his tongue slit, and a