Page:Life in Mexico vol 1.djvu/392

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The following propositions are made to the government by the rebels.

Article 1st. It not having been the intention of the citizen José Urrea, and of the troops under his command, to attack in any way the person of the President of the Republic, General Anastasio Bustamante, he is replaced in the exercise of his functions.

2d. Using his faculties as President of the Republic, he will cause the firing to cease on the part of the troops opposed to the citizen Urrea; who on his side will do the same.

3d. The President shall organize a Ministry deserving of public confidence, and shall promise to reestablish the observance of the constitution of 1824, convoking a Congress immediately, for the express purpose of reform.

"4th. Upon these foundations, peace and order shall be reestablished, and no one shall be molested for the opinions which he has manifested, or for the principles he may have supported, all who are in prison for political opinions being set at liberty."

Almonte, in the name of the President, rejected these conditions, but offered to spare the lives of the pronunciados, in case they should surrender within twenty-four hours. The chiefs of the opposite party hereupon declared the door shut to all reconcilement, but requested a suspension of hostilities, which was granted.

A —— is going to drive me out during this suspension, in an open cab, to call on the C——a family. The ——s have left their house, their position having become too dangerous. Another letter from General