Page:Life in Mexico vol 2.djvu/270

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By the ninth—Each department is to have two trustworthy individuals to form a council, which shall give judgment in all matters on which they may be consulted by the executive.

By the tenth—Till this council is named, the Junta will fulfil its functions.

By the eleventh—Till the Republic is organized, the authorities in the departments which have not opposed, and will not oppose the national will, shall continue.

By the twelfth—The General-in-chief and all the other Generals, promise to forget all the political conduct of military men or citizens during the present crisis.

By the thirteenth—When three days have passed after the expiration of the present truce, if the General-in-chief of the government does not adopt these bases, their accomplishment will be proceeded with; and they declare in the name of the nation, that this General and all the troops who follow him, and all the so-called authorities which counteract this national will, shall be held responsible for all the Mexican blood that may be uselessly shed; and which shall be upon their heads.

30th.—To the astonishment of all parties, Bustamante and his Generals pronounced yesterday morning for the federal system, and this morning Bustamante has resigned the Presidency. His motives seem not to be understood, unless a circular, published by General Almonte, can throw any light upon them.

"Without making any commentary," he says,