Whoever desires to do the Will of God, is anxious for his own sanctification; do you ever feel this desire?"
"Oh yes, it has long been my chief ambition."
"Very good; the number of our friends increases daily; you will join our inner circle of those who have the same ambition as you have."
The new boy agreed, and a discussion was held as to his future conduct. Savio pointed out to him, that at the Oratory sanctity consisted principally in being happy; that the boys took every care to avoid sin, as the great enemy, to do all duties as well as possible, and to perform the practices of piety with exactitude. Servite Domine in laetitia is to be our motto.
This advice of Dominic's seemed to fall like a healing balm on the soul of Camillus. He became a close companion of Dominic's, and from him learnt the secrets of great holiness that he had himself acquired. With such a guide, and with his own excellent good will and dispositions, it was no wonder he made rapid progress in virtue, so as to become prominent even among those who were themselves all of a very high standard of exactitude and piety.
However, his rapid progress in piety was like his swift course towards heaven. The illness he had described to Dominic had left effects that