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Aberdeen, Lord, ii., 247.

Abolitionists, ii., 70, ff; 163, 164, 167, 264, 387.

Adams, John Quincy, i., 99; appointed peace commissioner, 100; character of, 102-104; diary of, 114, ff; sojourn at Ghent, 123; in London, 124; Secretary of State, 141; Spanish Amer. colonies, 149, 150; concerning General Jackson, 152; diary of, 161; Florida treaty, 162, 164; on Missouri question, 174; on slavery and union, 198; on Clay, 200-1; candidate for presidency, 222, 226-8, 231, 232, 247; elected president, 248; forming his Cabinet, 249, ff; inaugurated, 254; administration, 258; on removals, 259-262; on constitutional powers, 265-7; Panama mission, 267-273; on opposition, 278; policy as to patronage, 281; defeated in 1828, 287-8; causes of defeat, 288-292; slave extradition, 301; defending Clay, 309, 311; on masonry, 344; on U. S. Bank, 373; on Jackson's message, ii., 6; anti-slavery petitions, 81; Texas, 86; claims against Mexico, 93; on Clay and Webster, 174, 191; on Tyler's title, 200; report on Tyler's veto, 226; trial of, 232, 233; votes against Mexican war, 283; death, 297, 409.

Adams, Charles Francis, ii., 311.

Adams, Dr. William, British peace commissioner, i., 105, 124.

Alexander, Emperor of Russia, i., 99, 106, 108, 270, 300.

Allen, Charles, ii., 305.

Allibone, S. A., ii., 390.

Ambrister, R., i., 151.

Anderson, Richard C, i., 293

Anti-Masons, i., 340 344; ii., 97, 175.

Arbuthnot, A., i., 151.

Arista, Mexican general, ii., 282.

Austin, Moses, ii., 87.

Badger, George E., Secretary of the Navy, ii., 190; resigns, 212, 323, 349.

Bank of the U. S., proposition to recharter, i., 62, ff; recharter defeated, 66, 131; new Bank of the U. S., 132, 345; attacked by Jackson, 351-5; struggle about recharter, 372, ff; investigated, 373; recharter passed and vetoed, 374; deposits removed, ii., 25, ff, 47, 48-50, 115, 142; breaks down, 143.

Barbour, James, i., 196; Secretary of War, 258, 266.

Barbour, Philip B.. i., 204.

Barnwell, R. W., ii., 357.

Barnburners, ii., 303, 310.

Barry, William T., i., 329, 347.

Bayard, James A., appointed peace commissioner, i., 100; at Ghent, 104.

Bayard, Richard, against expunging resolution, ii., 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135.

Bell, John, on four years term law, ii., 68; Secretary of War, 190, 346, 349.

Benton, Thomas H., canvasses for Clay, i., 228; for Jackson's election, 240, 247; on Clay-Randolph duel, 274; on public lands, 369-70; U. S. Bank, 372-3; defends Jackson's bank veto, 377; on Verplanck bill, ii., 8; on tariff compromise, 20, 32, 38, 42; on four years term law, 68, 78; expunging resolution, 99, ff; specie circular, 123, 191, 206, 225, 238, 271, 272, 329, 349, 352.

Berrien, John M., L, 329; ii., 208, 329.

Beverly, Carter, i., 282.

Biddle, Nicholas, i., 353, 378: ii., 143.

Birney, James G., ii., 253, 254; vote in New York, 264.

Blair, Francis P., i., 236, 239, 248, 345; advises removal of deposits, ii., 25.