237, 238; message with annexation treaty, 248; candidate for President and withdraws, 252; message concerning Texas, 259, 270, 272, 278.
Tyler, John, Jr., ii., 213.
Tyler, Lyon G., ii., 238.
Ullmann, Daniel, ii., 385, 395, 406.
Upshur, Abel P., Secretary of State, ii., 237, 238; on protecting Texas, 239; death, 239.
Van Buren, John, ii., 311.
Van Buren, Martin, Senator from New York, i., 229-30; on Clay, 233, 279, 293; Secretary of State, 329; nominated as Minister to England, 365; attacked by Clay, 366-7; rejected, 367; nominated for vice-president, 379; apostrophized by Clay, ii., 37, 38; nominated for presidency, 95; elected, 97; character, 128-130; calls an extra session, 130; first message, 132-134, 171; renominated, 182, 184; declines annexing Texas, 235; understanding with Clay, 243; letter on Texas, 246, 247; defeated in convention, 250, 251; nominated at Utica and Buffalo, 310, 311; opposition to, 312, 314.
Verplanck, Gulian C, reports tariff bill, ii., 8, 12.
Veto, Madison's, of internal improvement bill, i., 138; Monroe's, of toll-gate bill, 206; Jackson's, of U. S. bank bill, 374-5; Tyler's, of U. S. bank bill, ii., 205; second veto, 209; of two tariff bills, 225, 226; Clay on veto power, i., 377; ii., 187, 221, 222.
Wade, Benjamin F., ii., 404.
Wadsworth, James S., ii., 311.
Walker, Robert J., ii., 91, 271.
War of 1812, causes of, i., 68, ff; declared, 84; insufficient preparation for, 85; unfortunate beginning of, 86; events of, 98; Russian mediation, 99; further events of, 105, 106; end and consequences of, 116, ff.
Watkins, Capt. Henry, Clay's step-father, i., 4; emigrates to Kentucky, 9.
Webb, James Watson, i., 361.
Webster, Daniel, opposing the tariff, i., 130; opposing the bank charter, 133; on Greek cause, 209; on tariff of 1824, 218; on “American system,” 220, 247, 256, 263; on Clay-Randolph duel, 274; calls for Clay as a leader, 347-8; on U. S. Bank, 355; opposes bank veto, 376; apprebends secession movement, ii., 5, 11; opposed to tariff compromise, 16; advocates force bill, 17; against removal of deposits, 36, 42; on appointing and removing power, 61, 62; on four years term law, 68; on recognition of Texas, 91; candidate for presidency, 96, 97; against expunging resolution, 101, 104; on specie circular, 125; opposes Van Buren's policy, 137; opposes sub-treasury bill, 141; debate with Calhoun, 145; aspiring to presidency, 173, 174, 179, 186; Secretary of State, 190; reform circular, 196, 200, 208; remains in Cabinet, 213, 215, 216, 217; opposed to annexation of Texas, resigns, 236; at Whig convention, 248-250, 278; defeated in convention, 305; supports Taylor reluctantly, 309, 329; 7th of March speech, 339-342; on Seward, 345, 346, 349; Secretary of State, 354; compromise speeches, 376; compromise speeches, 386; Huelsemann letter, 391, 393, 396; aspirant to the nomination, 398-400; defeated, 402; compared to Clay, 408.
Weed, Thurlow, i.,343, 355; ii., 176, 177, 178, 180, 192, 193, 197, 263, 293.
Wellesley, Marquis of, i., 119.
Wellington, Duke of, i., 108, 124.
Whigs, origin of party, i., 316, ff; character of, 318-20; ii., 44, 95; in presidential campaign of 1836, 97, 119, 137, 172, 178, 184, 186, 188, 203, 216, 217, 219, 266, 271, 287, 288, 294; disagreements on slavery, 300-301, 304, 306; “conscience,” 309, 333, 395-399, 402, 404, 405.
White, Hugh L., on four years term law, ii., 68; candidate for presidency, 97; against expunging resolution, 101.
Whitman, Dr. Marcus, ii., 278.
Whitney, Asa, ii., 279.
Wilmot, David, moves proviso, ii., 285.
Wilson, Henry, ii., 305.
Wirt, William, Attorney General, i., 258; nominated by Anti-Masons, 342.
Wise, Henry A., ii., 177, 180, 186, 199, 200, 201, 209, 214, 217.
Woodbury, Levi, Secretary of the Treasury, i., 347, 352; ii., 43.
Worthington, Thomas, on internal improvements, i., 46.
Wright, Silas, ii., 42; on four years term law, 68, 85, 191; declines nomination for vice-presidency, 251;