Page:Life of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner.pdf/11

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pray me not to kill him. And at other times he seemed to wonder the gun itself did not shoot him, as thinking it understood him.

In short, I at last became familiar to him, and taught him as well as I could the knowledge of God and his son Jesus Christ; and described to him the religion, manners, and customs of other nations. And I believe in my conscience the riches of all the universe would not have tempted him to forsake me.

I was now in the 23d year of my captivity, when sending out my man Friday to seek some turtles upon the shore, he speedily returned, and told me there were two or three canoes coming there to land. It was not long before we discovered they had brought a poor Christian slave to be sacrificed, which I perceived through a grove, where Friday & I were hid; so resolving to set him free, we fired and killed three, and wounded five; than coming down upon them, we killed two, and wounded another, and the rest escaped in their canoes.

The poor victim we then unbound, whose name was Christianus, a Portugeuse, who told told me, that he and sixteen Spaniards were shipwrecked, and five only escaped in the boat; that they had concerted measures how to build them another vessel, to make their escape in; but he happened unfortunately to stray from the rest, and was taken prisoner by a parcel of savages, who had brought him over for a sacrifice.

There was also another victim lay in one of the canoes, whom I desired Friday to unbind,