Page:Life of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner.pdf/2

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The Famous History of

The Author’s Birth. he is shipwrecked, but having better Success in a second Voyage, he enters on a third, in which he is taken by a Sallee Rover; with the Manner of his Escape, and getting to Brazil.

I WAS born at York in the year 1632, my father being a native of Bremin, and coming over to Mull, merchandized till he got an estate, and settled in York.

Though I was the youngest of three brothers my father gave me sufficient learning to qualify me for the law; but being of a rambling disposition, I resolved to go to sea, tho’ my parents used all the persuasions they could against it; my father particularly laying before me the great danger of trusting to the sea, and the hazard of meeting many ships at war; also the ill fortune that had attended my eldest brother, who, contrary to his inclination, purchased a place in the army, and was