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at Sea, the distance of her Keeles shall not alter half a Quarter of an inch.

6. That shee shall not Leake above a hogshead of water a watch, one watch with another, during her Passage to and from Holy-head.

7. That shee shall steer better than any other Vessell of her length, that is to say, come about above a Quadrant in Lesse time and space.

8. That shee shall goe from within ye Barr of Dublin into ye Bay of Holy-head, and back againe within the same Barr of Dublin, in any 48 houres of the whole yeare, wherein there is a full moone.

9. That shee shall with any Winde and Weather, carry Saile enough to worke her.

10. That shee shall ride more easy at an Anchor, yt is to say, heave and sett in sharper Angles and Slower Vibrations, than any other Vessell of her Length.

11. That shee shall have a Cabin of 14 foot long, 11 broad, and 6 high in the Clear, & shall without the said Cabin carry 12 horses & 12 Tuns of goods.

12. That shee shall passe the Barr of Dublin any houre of the day, and goe from the Key of Dublin to the Key of Chester any day of the yeare.

13. That shee shall Out-saile, By and Large, any other Vessell by one- sixth part.

14. That shee shall cost lesse, than any other Vessell of the like performances, after the first Experiment.

15. That shee shall Saile with the same hands as any Vessell of 40 Tuns.

Sr Antho Deane and Mr Pepys do (in Returne hereto) Undertake:

1. That drawing but 3½ feet water at her Launching, shee shan't make good ye 2d, 7, 8, 10, 12 & 13th of the following Propositions, for £100.

2. Shee shan't; for £500 upon each end.

3. Shee shan't; for £200.

4. Shee shan't and make good ye 7th, 8, 10, 12, & 13th of the following Propositions; for £100.

5. Any one day of the said seven proveing of soe much wind, as to bring her to lye a try but one twelve houres, her Keels shall alter their Position more than the 8t of an Inch; for £100.

6. Shee shall Leake more than another Vessell as new built as shee; for £100.

7. Another Vessell of the same length and Proportion of Rudder, shall come about in Lesse time; for £100.