Sidney, Algernon, 118, 235
Skinner, Cyriac, 94
'Sluice-boat, the,' 109-113, 253-257, 266-268
Smith, Adam, 191
— Lewin, 126
Southampton, Lord, 151
Southwell, Edward, 159, 297, 304
— Sir Robert, 108, 116, 117, 138, 145, 155, 159, 169, 172, 174-176, 217, 246, 259, 260, 264, 270-275, 280, 283, 285, 292, 294, 304, 306, 308, 312; see Letters
Spanheim, Dr., 9
'Speculum Hiberniæ,' 272
Statute, the Great, 189
Strafford, 27
Suarez, 16
'Supellex Philosophica,' 255
Survey, the Grosse, 28 seq., 35 ; Civil, the, 37 seq.; see Down
Symner, Col. Miles, 57, 60
Talbot, Archbishop, 241
— Earl of Tyrconnel, 271, 275, 284, 286, 287
Tariff, Colbert's, 190
— the Dutch, 191, 196
Taxes; see 'Treatise on Taxes'
Taylor, Thomas, 107
Temple, Sir William, 234, 243, 246
'Ten Tooles,' 277
Thurloe, Secretary, 31, 35-37, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 96, 118
Tokenhouse Yard, 126
Toleration, Religious, 224, 237, 274, 276
Tomlinson, Colonel, 41
'Treatise on Taxes,' 118, 180, 185, 188 seq., 223, 224
Tyrconnel; see Talbot
Ulster, Plantation of, 23
Union, Sir William Petty on, 148, 229, 276
Universities and Cromwell, the, 17
Usury laws, 213
Value, extrinsic and intrinsic, 222; origin of, 198; par of, 211
Vauban, Marshal, 201
'Verbum Sapienti,' 185, 194, 213
Vernon, Colonel, 176-178
Vesalius, Andreas, 6
Wages, 220
Waite, Mr., 230
Walaeus, 8
Waldenses, the, 35 ; and the Irish, 36
Waller, Edmund, 245
— Mr., 156
— Sir Hardress, 41, 153
Wallis, Dr., 15, 20
Ward, Seth, 20
Weymouth, Lord, 308
White House Ruin, Kenmare, 290
Wilkins, Dr., 15, 19, 20, 113-120
Will, Sir William Petty's, 5, 20, 115, 314 ; in full, 318-325
Wood, Antony, 18, 20, 70, 94, 113
Works of Sir William Petty: Principal, 185 seq. ; List of, and written by, 317
Worsley, Benjamin, 29, 40, 41, 48, 49, 55, 56, 90
Wren, Christopher, 20, 102, 103
Wybord, Dr., 9
York, Duke of, 107, 235 ; as James II., 269, 271, 280