I gifted with a thousand tongues, it would be impossible for me to enumerate the fruits of salvation borne by this virginal plant, and cultivated by the Father in Heaven." I have often seen thousands of men and women hastening to her from the summits of the mountains and from the surrounding country, as though a mysterious trumpet invited them; they came to see and hear; her words were even sometimes useless, while her presence sufficed to convert them and inspire them with a lively contrition; all renounced their sins, and sought the tribunal of penance; then I was witness of the sincerity of their repentance, and it was evident to me that a superabundant grace acted in their hearts; and this happened not once, nor twice, but very often.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XI, consoled and delighted with the good effected in souls, granted to me and two companions, the powers reserved to Bishops, for absolving all those who went to Catherine and confessed. We, therefore, heard men and women of heinous guilt, Boiled with every variety of crime, who had either never confessed, or who had not done it in suitable dispositions. We sometimes remained fasting until the evening, and yet we could not suffice to all who presented themselves. I acknowledge to my shame and Catherine's honor, that the multitude was frequently so considerable, that I was fatigued and discouraged. As to Catherine, she did not interrupt her prayer, and rejoiced in conquering souls for our blessed Master: she simply recommended to those who accompanied her to take care of us, who held the nets which she knew so well how to fill. It would be impossible to describe her joy; what we saw exteriorly, consoled us greatly and induced is to forget our fatigues