had terminated, the Prior turned towards me and said with admiration: " Dear Brother Raymond, I confess these Religious, — and, consequently,know the defects of each. I assure you, that if this saintly female had heard as myself all their confessions, she could not have spoken in a more just and profitable manner; she neglected none of their wants, and did not utter a useless word. It is evident that she possesses the gift of prophecy and that she speaks by the Holy Ghost."
In fine, I will add, that I am positively certain in reference to my own case she predicted many things that I did not suspect, and of which I now see the full accomplishment; but I decline entering into further details. I will restrict myself to what happened to others: she had announced the terrible chastisements that would befall some persecutors of the Catholic Church: I say naught concerning them because of the wickedness of the people of our time, and to avoid exciting against her glorious name the venom of detractors.