desired to share on earth her graces and her favors. The manna in its snowy whiteness and the fineness cf its grain, signified parity and humility; and these two virtues shine in a very particular manner in those two virgins, as may be seen in their Memoirs which God in his mercy has permitted me to write. This miracle had for witnesses Catherine's companions, Lysa among others, who is still living: several nuns belonging to the convent have equally affirmed before me and before the Friars who were with me, that thus the occurrences took place. Many are now dead; but myself and my Brethren recal perfectly their depositions: further, Lysa collected the manna which fell, showed it frequently, and gave it to several persons.
God accomplished also for his faithful Spouse during his life, many admirable things which are not written in this book; what I have related above, I have said for the honor and glory of God's holy Name, for the salvation of souls, and to acquit my conscience; I was unwilling to despise the grace from above, and fold up the talent entrusted to me; I have placed it according to the best of my ability, so that it might be referred to its divine Master.
I here terminate the second part of this biography; the third will contain Catherine's death with the miracles that preceded and followed it. May these three books render immortal praise, honor and glory to the ever biesaed Trinity. Amen.