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him with a smile half playful, half roguish], "but really it seems to me that that was the origin of the Nebraska bill." This stroke at the Senator's laurels in the matter of the "great principle," created a good deal of laughter and some applause, which brought the Judge to his feet. Shaking back his heavy hair, and looking much like a roused lion, he said, in his peculiarly heavy voice which he uses with so much effect when he wishes to be impressive, "No, Sir! I will tell you what was the origin of the Nebraska bill. It was this, Sir! God created man, and placed before him both good and evil, and left him free to choose for himself. That was the origin of the Nebraska bill." As he said this, Lincoln looked the picture of good nature and patience. As Douglas concluded, the smile which lurked in the corners of Lincoln's mouth parted his lips, and he replied, "Well, then, I think it is a great honor to Judge Douglas that he was the first man to discover that fact." This brought down the house, of course, but I could not perceive that the Judge appreciated the fun in the least. . . W.

Congress adjourned June 1, 1858, and Douglas started for Chicago by way of northern New York, where he intended paying a visit to his aged mother. So prominently before the public was he at this time, in view of the coming contest in Illinois, that the newspapers chronicled his every movement on the way.

[Chicago Times, June 27]


Senator Douglas, accompanied by his beautiful and accomplished wife, arrived at the Girard House, Monday night, from Washington en route for Chicago, where he proposes opening his campaign.—He was visited, in the course of yesterday, by a large number of our most influential citizens — holding quite an impromptu levee, in fact, for no special announcement of his arrival in this city had been made. He appeared in excellent health and spirits. He left New York by the afternoon train.—Phila. Press.

[Daily Whig, Quincy, Ills., July 1]

Senator Douglas is at present at his mother's in the State of New York—recruiting previous to entering upon the campaign in this State It is said that he will open the ball at Carlinville, Macoupin County.

Col. Carpenter on the part of the Administration Democrats, is to take the stump, it is said, and meet Douglas in the field.