Unitarian church, disturbed by sla-
very question, 480.
University of Chicago, gift of Doug-
las to, 50.
Urbana, Lincoln and Douglas speak
at, 559.
Urbana (Ohio) Union, satirizes Doug-
las, 552.
Vermont, resolutions of Democratic
state convention, in, 241.
Victoria, delegation from, to Gales-
burg Debate, 331.
Villard, Henry, associated with
White, Horace, 76; reporter of
Philadelphia Press, 77.
Vincennes Sun, quoted in Cincinnati Commercial, 31.
Voss, Arno, delegate to Democratic
congressional convention, 1850,
Walker, Charles, welcomes Douglas
to Chicago, 35.
Walker, George, friend of Douglas,
Washburne, E. B., aids Lincoln, 1854
172; congressional candidate, 169,
254, 300; fears Freeport Doctrine,
204; pledged against admission of
more slave states, 369; speaks at
Galena, 169; mentioned, 202.
Washington Star, atttitude of, toward
Freeport Doctrine, 579.
Washington Union, attacked by
Douglas, 185; comments on: Otta-
wa Debate, 513, Illinois contest,
515-17, 543; denounces: Douglas,
48, 111, 158, 462, 513, 539, Free-
port Doctrine, 421, 522, 525, 528,
579, Lincoln, 539; mentions: Neiu
Orleans Courier, 523, New Orleans
Delta, 523 ; on slavery in free states,
163, 370; quotes: Chicago Herald,
515, 516, Chicago Press, 514, Chi-
cago Times, 514, Columbia Guar-
dian, 525, Mississippian, the, 543,
Norfolk Argus, 542; referred to
by Louisville Democrat, 528; urges
election of Lincoln, 180.
Wataga, delegation from, at Gales-
burg debate, 331, 374.
Waterloo, Baker, Jehu, speaks at,
299; meeting at, 218; Trumbull
speaks at, 235, 299.
Watson, P. H., White, Horace, secre-
tarj' of, 75.
Waukegan, mentioned, 300.
Webster, Daniel, supports Compro-
mise of 1850, 87, 171, 214.
Wendell, Cornelius, editor of Wash-
ington Union, 180.
Wentworth, John, aids Trumbull,
1854, 172; regarded as real anti-
Douglas candidate, 20, 24; speaks
at Chicago, 565; mentioned, 72,
218, 222, 254, 298.
Whig party, becomes part of Repub-
lican party, 16; Lincoln and Trum-
bull agree to dissolve, 86, 88. 171,
214, 291; opposition of, to Ne-
braska Bill, 10; supported Com-
promise of 1850, 87, 171, 215, 293.
White, Horace, accompanies Lincoln,
on tour, 1858, 76; comments on
correctness of copies of debate,
594; biographical notice of, 75;
describes: Lincoln, 12, Lincoln's
soUcitude for House-divided speech
23, Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas, 573,
Ottawa Debate, 143; reporter for
Chicago Journal, 12.
Whiteside County, delegation from,
at Freeport, 147.
Whitney, D. M., vice-president of
Republican state convention, 22.
Wilcox, Elijah, delegate to Demo-
cratic congressional convention,
1850, 239.
Wilkinson, I. O., attends United
States District Court at Chicago,
Will Countv, delegation from, to
Ottawa, 133, 139.
Williams, Archie, mentioned, 93, 222,
Williams, E. B., delegate to Demo-
cratic congressional convention,
1850, 239.
Williamsville, Douglas at, 51.
Wilmington Journal, denounces Free-
port Doctrine, 526.
Wilmot Proviso, supported by Lin-
coln, 491.
Wilson, C. L., introduces Lincoln at
Chicago, 39; nominates Lincoln for
senatorship, 22.
Wilson, I. T.. Democratic chief
marshal at Quincv Debate, 392,
Winchester, Douglas speaks at, 91,
Winnebago County, represented at
Freeport Debate, 196.
Wise, Henry A., regarded as possible
Democratic candidate for 1860, 43.
Wyche, James E., speaks at RepubU-
can state convention, 1858, 22.
Yates, Richard, congressional candi-
date, 1854, 118, 355.
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