Page:Lincolnshire knight, or, The poor rich man (NLS104184230).pdf/2

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A Certain knight from Lincolnshire,
came up to London city,
On purpose for to show his parts
good L——d how wondrous witty;
He slash'd away there were none so gay,
but at home the case was alter'd,
At carrying victuals, watching beer,
this knight he never faulter'd.

Full many a change of men he had,
maid-servants soon were quitting;
For there to stay and starve their guts,
they thought it was not fitting;
But one more bold than all the rest,
rogue Jack they did him call Sir,
He swore with pinch-gut he wou'dn't stay,
whatever might befal Sir.

On Monday Jack begun his work,
on Tuesday got no dinner;
And Wednesday he must hold a fast,
and Thursday he look'd thinner;
On Friday it no better was,
on Saturday not alter'd,
Quoth Jack I'll play this Knight a trick,
though for it I get halter'd.

He went to Moses Levy who,
had picklock keys in store Sir;