Not noteworthy. Normal in majority of
cases. Disintegration noted in CASE 4, atrophy in CASES 6 and 7.
Always atrophied, some- Atrophy noted in CASES times to practical disappear- 6 and 7; hypertrophy with ance. cirrhosis in CASE 4; incip ient cirrhosis in CASES 10 and 11. Others normal.
Transparent and destitute In all cases some fat; of fat in CASE 4 excessive fat.
Transparent in no case.
Unaltered except in size, Noted in all cases. There which is lessened. were no general character istics; the organ varied in size and structure with the individual.
Usually full; contents CASE 8 was the only int lining adjacent tissues. stance in which there was
staining of adjacent tissues. Others were as noted or normal.